BMWC 13 – Písecko

BMWC 13 was held at the end of a summer of 2009, near to Písek in Southern Bohemia. The participation was higher than thirty people and it was organized by Smrtka and Zahrada. The agenda was full of interesting and successful rituals. There was also an observation tower on the Živec hill, which was very close. However, it was the worst BMWC in terms of communication with the owner of the facilities. He decided to throw a party right in the middle of BMWC, which ended in a very interesting collision with one of our rituals. An up-side of this place was a big fire place where we could sit under a may pole and sing pagan songs to the stars until they faded in a morning light. Examples from the agenda of BMWC 13:

  • Workshop with the four elements
  • The way of a Horned God (only for men)
  • Female workshop – composing a song for the Goddess
  • A lecture and a discussion about pain and pleasure
  • Magic defence and attack (workshop)
  • Homeopathy – a practical workshop

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