BMWC and BMWC rules

BMWC Rules


  1. All participants are obligated to pay for their accommodation and participation in the event, the exact amount being decided by the organization team.
  2. The deposit for BMWC is usually collected in advance. Changing your status from “attending” to “not attending” after a given deadline may result in the loss of the deposit.
  3. Participants shall cause no material damage, neither to the property owner nor to other participants. Doing otherwise, they will have an obligation to pay the damages. Organizers are not responsible for any material damage caused by the participants. Neither are they responsible for the personal belongings of participants.
  4. Participants should behave in such manner as to leave a positive trace at the place of our pagan/witchcraft assembly.
  5. Participants should be tidy, clean after themselves and leave the place of the event in better state then it was before.
  6. Participants are obliged to respect the organizing team, take notice of their instructions and behave respectfully to one another and to the personnel in the BMWC facilities.
  7. Only people of 18 years of age or more can participate. Participants under 18 years of age can participate only with consent of their parents.
  8. Taking part in any of the activities presented by the organisers is voluntary.
  9. All photographs and other materials from the conference are only for our personal purpose and cannot be made public without consent of everyone on the photograph.
  10. Content of the BMWC participants’ intern forum is confident and it it forbidden to spread it among other people. Access to this forum will be given to anyone who attended at least one BMWC and behave according to the rules. This forum is part of P)O(F (
  11. Inviting visitors and outside people to the BMWC areal is not allowed.
  12. It is not allowed to give out information about the place of BMWC to the public or other outside people. The only exception are the parents of the under-aged participants.


Pagan World – Winter 2006, str. 6, “Bohemian Moravian Witches’ Conference 8 (BMWC) South Bohemia, Janov, 27th September – 1st October 2006 Written by: Jakub Achrer (Zahrada), National Coordinator of PFIcz

How does it work?

  1. Every year, Zahrada chooses the main pair of organizers (a man and a woman) and they then pick other members of the organizing team themselves.
  2. The organizing team is fully and equally responsible for the realization of this event. This doesn’t apply to any material damage caused by participants of the event (that will be paid by those responsible for the damage).
  3. It is the organizing team that decides about the final form of the event, including the program, etc..
  4. The organizing team is in charge of the participants’ applications .
  5. The organizing team do not pay the participation fee.
  6. The organizing team is made anew after every BMWC and therefore is not fixed and can change.

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