Registration form for newcomers




If you haven’t been to any previous BMWCs and are interested in attending, please fill in the form on this page, including all information as appropriate. If you have nothing to add to some sections, please explain why. In your own interests, please submit only full and true information. In submitting the form you are also giving the organisational team agreement to use your personal data for their needs. That is why, before you start filling anything in, please read the instructions about working with your personal data carefully. If you do not agree with the conditions, do not send us anything. In case you want offer us any programme to BMWC, please fill another form on page application program. After processing your form and in case of successful application we will send you an invitation with all important information. The organisers reserve the right to refuse an invitation without providing reasons. We recommend that you take the time to fill in also the voluntary questions. If you do not you are giving the impression that you have no great interest in attending the conference. Your form may be refused if the organisation team sees you have not taken it seriously. If you are parents and would like to bring your children, you do not need to fill in another registration, but please submit this piece of information in the last field.

Registration form



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