It is our honour to present to you a yearly event called Bohemian and Moravian Witches’ Conference or in short BMWC.Bohemian and Moravian Witches’ Conference. BMWC is an intensive, experience-gaining meeting of people, interested in witchcraft traditions and paganism. From the very beginning, BMWC has been conceived as a naturally evolving project, created largely by its participants themselves. From a small gathering of friends, BMWC has grown into an event covering a wide selection of topic and themes. Usually, BMWC consists of rituals, myths, lectures, trips to nature, pleasure and fun. The number of participants in recent years has settled down on thirty to forty people.

This website was created in 2007 with the purpose of making this event available to more potential participants and to supply the pagan and witchcraft-practising public with reliable information about what is BMWC and what to expect from it.

BMWC is a non-profit event, always organised with the intention of learning and having a good time. What we have in common is friendship, a will to listen and learn from each other, and a will to have fun. The pillars of BMWC are openness and tolerance.

Attending this event is possible only for people who have been invited or for those who fill in an application that you can find here and tell us a little bit more about themselves. It is not a public event. The main criterion is not money but your interest in topics like paganism or witchcraft.

BMWC is a series of lectures, workshops, rituals, exercises, trips to nature, games and last but not least – fun. Another important aspect is also socialization and getting to know more people. Many new friendships and outstanding pagan projects were born at BMWC. BMWC is organized by its participants themselves. The whole event is, however, always being overseen by Jakub Achrer (known also under a nickname Zahrada).

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