Archive of past BMWC

Every BMWC is unique and a little different from the others; therefore, the best way to explain it is to look back on past BMWCs. At this section, you’ll find pictures and short notes about BMWCs from past years that should make it clearer for you to see, what BMWC really is. Here, you’ll find a list of all past BMWCs with short articles about them and photos (if available). All photos have to be approved by all people appearing on the photo. Therefore, only approved pictures can be displayed here. 2004: BMWC 1 Mezná (Hřensko) (Northern Bohemia) 2004: BMWC 2 Propast Macocha (Southern Moravia) 2005: BMWC 3 Jizerské hory (Northern Bohemia) 2005: BMWC 4 hrad Svojanov, Českomoravská vysočina 2005: BMWC 5 near to Čáslav (Central Bohemia) 2005: BMWC 6 Malá skála, Český ráj (Northern Bohemia) 2006: BMWC 7 Brumov-Bylnice, Bílé Karpaty (Czech-Slovak border) 2006: BMWC 8 Janov (Staré Hobzí) u Slavonic (Czech-Austrian border) 2007: BMWC 9 Vanov, Českomoravská vysočina 2008: BMWC 10 Cidlinský farm, Malá skála, Český ráj (Northern Bohemia) 2008: BMWC 11 Sloup v Čechách (Northern Bohemia) 2009: BMWC 12 Brumov-Bylnice, Bílé Karpaty (Czech-Slovak border) 2009: BMWC 13 pension Živec, Písek (Southern Bohemia) 2010: BMWC 14 Deštné, Orlické hory (Eastern Bohemia) 2011: BMWC 15 Kleť, Holubov (Southern Bohemia) 2012: BMWC 16 Chata Agátha (Izera Mountains) 2013: BMWC 17 Chotěboř (Bohemian-Moravian Highlands) 2014: BMWC 18 Chotěboř (Bohemian-Moravian Highlands) 2015: BMWC 19 Chotěboř (Bohemian-Moravian Highlands)

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