Jubilejnímu dvacátému BMWC se opět otevřela náruč Českomoravské vrchoviny od 3. do 8. května 2016, tentokráte s podtitulem „Up to the Sky“. Své první organizace této události se bravurně ujali Jindra Gin Prousek s manželkou Zebřičkou. Letošní program byl velmi zajímavý. Hned z počátku jsme si užili regenerační energetickou sprchu, prošli stezku síly, naučili jsme se základní techniky a chvaty masáží, vyráběli hliněné závěsy, zacvičili si jógu podle Tarotu, prošli přednáškami i rituály, zpívali, tančili, společně jsme se napojili na naše předky při Rituálu k uctění předků, a skupinového ducha podpořili zážitkovou hrou The game of Crones. Ani letos nemohl chybět Vaya Beltanový rituál a mužská a ženská mystéria.
The BMWC with a special number – 20 – has again taken place in
Czech-Moravian Hills 3rd to 8th of May 2016. This time with a slogan
„Up to the Sky“. The organization of the 20th BMWC was managed by Gin
and his wife Zebra. The program was very interesting, with some energy
and trance work at the beginning, massage workshops the same day,
creative workshop (work with clay) the next day and also some lectures
and rituals on the following days. One of those was a ritual for the
Ancestors led by the Druids. There was a Vaya Beltain ritual again and
men/women groups. The BMWC was then cocluded by a whole-day game
called The Game of Crones that turned out to be very much fun.
Czech-Moravian Hills 3rd to 8th of May 2016. This time with a slogan
„Up to the Sky“. The organization of the 20th BMWC was managed by Gin
and his wife Zebra. The program was very interesting, with some energy
and trance work at the beginning, massage workshops the same day,
creative workshop (work with clay) the next day and also some lectures
and rituals on the following days. One of those was a ritual for the
Ancestors led by the Druids. There was a Vaya Beltain ritual again and
men/women groups. The BMWC was then cocluded by a whole-day game
called The Game of Crones that turned out to be very much fun.